How To Make Your Buttocks bigger Without Exercise-min

How to Make Your Buttocks Bigger Without Exercise (99.9% Works!)

Today we are talking about how to make your buttocks bigger without exercise.

Best of all, it’s all backed by science, and almost 100% works for everyone and anyone.

Don’t worry, there are still alternatives to exercise for all those lazy bums out there! Here we will discuss how to get a bigger butt without exercise.

In this post, you are going to learn:

  1. Some quick facts about buttocks
  2. Why you should make your butt bigger
  3. 9 ways to make your butt bigger naturally (without exercise)
  4. The right food to eat and what to avoid
  5. Butt-Enhancement Gadget to consider
  6. Bonus Tip – how to make your buttocks look bigger

…But First, Get to Know Your Butt!

Once you know what they’re made of, you’ll get the concept behind the ways to make your buttocks bigger. Basically, they’re just a mass of muscle under some fat.

What is Buttocks & Some Quick Facts

The main muscles of your butt are commonly known as ‘glutes’ – the gluteus maximus, and the gluteus medius muscles. The more mass you gain in these muscles, the larger and more toned your hips will appear.

Superimposed over these muscles is a layer of fat. The more the fat, the more massive does your booty becomes.

Any method you use to make your buttocks bigger naturally will take advantage of this anatomy. The main aim is to gain more muscle so that your backside can become toned and large at the same time, or to gain fat for added bulk to your buttocks.

Why Bigger Buttocks is Better

Are you tired of being the butt of jokes because your own butt isn’t big enough?

A study by Glamour showed that over 40% of the 16,000 women surveyed were not happy with their bodies. If you want to know how to make your buttocks bigger, exercise with healthy protein intake is a great way to do so, but we agree that not everyone has the motivation and energy to follow a booty-shaping regime regularly.

If you have a bitty booty, the best option you have is to accept it – nature has made you perfect just the way you are!

On the other hand, if you still want to know about natural ways to make your buttocks bigger, there must be a reason why. Most women would say bigger butts are much more attractive.

There’s Science Involved.

The truth is, smaller ratios of the waist to the hip circumference are perceived as greater signs of fertility. The popularity of big-hipped women among men hence stems from an evolutionary instinct to select a fertile mate who would increase the chances of having healthy offspring.

Research by Devendra Singh, a Psych professor at the University of Texas, shows decreasing levels of attractiveness reported by males for females with increasing waist-hip ratios.

Another study by William D. Lassek and Steven J. C. Gaulin shows that women with bigger butts (lower waist-hip ratios) may give rise to more intelligent offspring.

How to Make Your Buttocks Bigger Naturally

1. Eat Right

The best natural way to make your buttocks bigger is to eat some foods which are said to increase butt size naturally.

Foods that make your butt bigger may cause overall weight gain too since you can’t just decide where you gain fat first – that’s something decided by nature and genetics. However, what you can do is make the right food choices, always preferring healthier alternatives to deep-fried junk!

According to, the average person with a low level of activity needs 13 calories per pound of body weight to maintain their current weight. What you need to do is to eat more than 13 calories per pound each day, so that you can gain weight and therefore increase the size of your buttocks.

For example, if you weigh 110 pounds, you need to have more than 110×13=1430 calories per day. You can easily track your calorie intake through any good calorie-counting app online.

Here are some healthy ways to gain weight which will make your buttocks bigger naturally:

Increase your intake of calorie-dense foods. Low-volume foods that are packed with calories are your best bet. These include the following.

Dried Fruits

According to, only a single cup of dates contains 500 calories! Snacking on dates or drinking date shakes can, therefore, be an excellent way to increase your daily calorie intake for weight gain.

Raisins and prunes are also very high in calories, having over 400 of them in a cup-sized serving.

A cup of shredded coconut has 283 calories, a cup of avocado slices 235, and fresh figs 167. These are great sources of monounsaturated fats that are good for health.

Dried fruits have a lot of other health benefits. According to a report by Joanne L. Slavin and Beate Lloyd, dried fruits are among the most fiber-rich foods and are heart-healthy choices apart from causing healthy weight gain.


With a single ounce containing up to 200 calories, nuts are some of the most calorie-loaded foods. They make healthy, nutritious snacks that you can have alone or as part of healthy foods such as granola.

Emilio Ros, the author of Health Benefits of Nut Consumption, points out that nuts are one of the richest plant-derived sources of fat after vegetable oils. Nuts with the most fat content (65-75%) are macadamia nuts, pecans, dried brazil nuts, and walnuts, while pistachios, peanuts, and almonds have the highest protein content (20-25%).

The fat and protein from nuts could, therefore, provide a much-needed boost to the already scanty fat and protein reserves of your buttocks.

Nut Butters

Although traditionally thought of as a guilty pleasure, nut butter, especially peanut butter, has a lot of benefits for health. It can also help you gain some booty weight due to their high fat and protein content.

As an added bonus, research by Hashemian M. et al has proven nut butter to decrease the risk of certain cancers of the gut. The consumption of nuts and peanut butter is also inversely associated with type 2 diabetes risk.

Just take care not to get too excited and forget about your limitations, for example, a peanut allergy!

Cottage Cheese

If you’re looking to have a larger buttoned, tighter bum with more muscle and less fat, cottage cheese is a must-try. With its protein-rich goodness and fat-burning properties, cottage cheese could boost those glutes like nothing else.

Sweet Potato

Sweet potatoes contain phytoestrogen, the plant equivalent of the female hormone estrogen. Since estrogen is responsible for the deposition of fat in the hips of women, eating sweet potato could likely help you build a bigger butt.

This is a total win-win – you get to eat this yummy superfood while also gaining a sexy figure.


This is another protein-packed food that is great for building muscle! Eating quinoa works great as a natural way to make the buttocks bigger, especially the gluteus muscles.

Junk Food

This one will surely cause weight gain, but we won’t really recommend it because it’s full of unhealthy fats! Secondly, the ’weight’ you gain will actually be all over your body as flab.

With an excess of junk food, you’d surely get a bigger butt, but at the expense of your health. Where fat appears first on your body is decided by your genes – some people may gain first on their hips and thighs, while for others that may not be the case.

2. Butt-Enhancing Creams

Mostly marketed as butt ’firming’, ‘lifting’ or ‘plumping’ creams, the marketing of these products seems a bit exaggerated with ambitious results being promised.

Although many of these creams would provide a lift to saggy buttocks for a rounder, fuller appearance, the deposition of fat or protein over your buttocks in response to these creams seems quite far-fetched to many.

Butt enhancing creams have especially recently become quite the rage when Kylie Jenner announced them to be the reason for her perfect tush. This is why many women still try these and some even say they work!

3. Butt-Enhancing Supplements

Most butt-enhancing supplements come in the form of pills with natural herb extracts. These herbs mainly include maca root, saw-palmetto, and other phytoestrogen-containing herbs which are said to work wonders for the growth of your buttocks.

Although there are many reviews online by people who swear by these supplements to make your buttocks bigger naturally, others claim that the entire market is a scam. There is also no scientific evidence of these products stimulating butt growth.

However, if you still want to try these out for yourself, we strongly recommend you to consult a doctor first – health comes before butt, after all!

4. Lifestyle Changes

If you’re not willing to exercise your butt, try to involve yourself in activities that make use of its muscles.

Take the stairs instead of getting inside an elevator to firm up those glutes like nothing else. Any chores involving situps? Do those!

The correct posture can also do wonders for the appearance of your booty. Standing up with your back straight and hips protruding automatically enhances its appearance.

5. Just Sit on It!

What better way to pass a day than sitting on your ass all day – literally! Research indicates that sitting for long periods may cause your butt to get bigger over time.

This may have something to do with fat deposition on the buttocks due to the longterm stress on your them that would result if you were to sit for hours. It could also be due to a change in a posture called the ‘anterior pelvic tilt’ that could be caused by excessive sitting and makes your butts protrude.

6. Massage Your Way to a Bigger Butt

If you’re looking for natural ways to make your buttocks bigger, massaging with certain oils is worth a try. Although some people claim that the effect is temporary due to moisture and increased blood flow, others swear they have seen results. Here are some oils to try out for yourself:

Fish Oil

A great massage concoction is a mixture of a capsule each of fish oil and vitamin E oil. Massage for 5-10 minutes, and leave overnight.

Coconut Oil

Give your butt a gentle coconut oil massage for 5-10 minutes before you sleep. Wash in the morning.


Apply gasoline over your buttocks for 5-10 minutes before bed, and wash it off in the morning.

7. Quicker Butt-Boosting Solutions

Since the natural ways to make your buttocks bigger may take time to show some results, you do have some other alternatives if you can’t wait that long. Here’s how to get bigger buttocks fast without exercise:

8. The Art of Illusion (Bonus Tip)

There’s an instant fix to your booty problem, but here’s the catch – you don’t actually fix it, you just dress smartly. Wear clothes that accentuate the curves you already have.

Well-fitted outfits such as pencil skirts, short tops over the right-fitted jeans, butt-lifting shapewear, and padded underwear can look great by giving your rear a natural-seeming boost.

9. The Last Resort

If nothing seems to be working and you’re too impatient, and only if your budget allows, then comes the S-word: Surgery. Although it can be a scary choice for those who think of it as ‘going under the knife’, modern surgical practice when done by a qualified and experienced professional could provide amazing, relatively painless results.

Plastic surgery to get bigger buttocks fast can be of two types:

Fat Transfer

According to research by Eric Swanson, MD, fat is now the method of choice for butt augmentation due to its safety and effectiveness. It involves simply taking fat from one area of the body such as the abdomen, flanks, or the thighs, and injecting it into the fatty tissue of the buttocks.

This can give quick and lasting results. The only obvious downside may be the expense if you have budget constraints.


This involves the use of silicone implants placed surgically inside your butt tissue to give it a boost in size. Due to its various grave complications, it is not widely used now.

It is always recommended that you consult a specialist before you go for any such surgical options.

Don’t Give Up!

How to get your buttocks bigger without exercise may seem tricky at first, but consistency is the key to achieving any goal. Another thing that seems a bit cliché but does actually work wonders is believing in yourself.

Carry on with your efforts, and all the while,  remember this – beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. You look great, regardless of your butt!

Your Turn

Now, which of the above methods have you worked in the past, or plan to implement? Let us know in the comment below.

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